Sunday, January 13, 2008
Journal #215

It is hard to imagine this time last year Maria and I were waiting impatiently by the phone. For some strange reason we thought when the the Russian Holidays concluded we would wake to the phones ringing with our court dates...YEAH...right? NOT QUITE!

This year Cupcake and I visited with Maria, Jeff & Tyler Christmas Eve when we were finsihed with family. It was so special! This stuff will be on Cupcake's blog.

It is strange to feel like such an outdated family. Event he court house in Moscow is new. The process with the embassy has a changed a bit too. I believe there is an extra day to get the visa whereas we were handed the visa's the day we went to the embassey. It is so important to make sure you research agencies, countries, and the process as currently as possible. It is so easy to think your lovely neighbors had such a great experience last year with their team but that team may not have the same value this year.

Cheers to the New Year! Every family waiting...wishing you a speedy return home with your child/ren.

We are coming up on being parents for one year...WOW.
